Want to Save Money? See Your Dentist!

November 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — morgandentalcare @ 12:45 am

Regular dental visits are necessary in order to achieve a healthy smile, but many people put them off for a variety of reasons. For patients without dental insurance, it’s often an effort to pinch some extra pennies. The truth is that by seeing your dentist regularly, you can actually end up saving money in the long run. Read on to learn the different ways that your routine dental cleanings and checkups can protect your wallet.

Prevent Tooth Decay

Even if you always stay on top of daily brushing and flossing, there will always be places that you can’t help but miss. This is where your routine dental cleanings come into play. During your visit, your hygienist will clear away buildups of plaque and tartar that could lead to decay in the future. Your dentist will keep an eye out for existing decay so it can be treated before becoming more serious. By opting for a small filling now, you may be able to avoid the cost and hassle of having root canal therapy or an extraction later on.

Ward Off Gum Disease

When you have your regular checkups, your dentist will examine your smile for early signs of gum disease. This is extremely common, and half of Americans over the age of 30 are suffering from it. This good news is that it’s easy to prevent and can be reversed in its early stages. However, when left untreated, gum disease can cause serious problems, like gum recession, loose teeth, and tooth loss. It has even been linked to life-threatening medical issues, like heart disease, diabetes, and pregnancy complications. By addressing gum disease with your dentist now and working towards a solution, you can save by avoiding future restorations and invasive gum disease treatments.

Reduce Discoloration

Near the end of your regular visits, your hygienist will polish your teeth using a gritty material known as prophylaxis paste. This helps to break apart surface stains that are caused by smoking, drinking coffee, and aging. By having this done regularly, you are less likely to feel the need to invest in cosmetic treatments to reverse discoloration.

Detect Oral Cancer

Your dentist always checks for signs of this deadly disease at the start of all of your checkups. When picked up on early on, it can often be easily treated, and patients will make a full recovery. However, it progressed quickly, so a single missed dental visit may mean the need for intensive chemotherapy and other invasive, costly treatments. Remember that your checkups not only save you money, but they can also save your life.

Don’t want to end up with large dental bills in the future? Schedule your next checkup soon. Your smile and your wallet will be thanking you!

About the Author

Dr. Ted Morgan is an experienced dentist who has serves the people of Gorham and the greater Portland community for over 45 years! He earned his dental doctorate from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry. Currently, he is a proud member of the American Dental Association, DOCS Education, and Academy of General Dentistry. His practice accepts a long list of dental insurance plans and will file claims on your behalf. They can also provide prepayment discounts and work with CareCredit. For more information or to schedule an appointment at his office in Gorham, visit his website or call (207) 839-2655.

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